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Regular Trash & Recycling Collection

When is regular trash pick up?

Regular trash and recycle trash are collected ONCE a week. Lancaster is divided into five (5) areas and the day your regular trash is picked up depends on what area you live in. You can also view an interactive map that will assist you in determining what day of the week your regular trash is scheduled for collection.

    • For efficient driver retrieval, place both trash (gray) and recycle (blue) carts with handles towards the curb.
    • Place carts out by 7:00 AM for service between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
    • Household trash should be in disposable bags inside 95-gallon trash carts.
    • All items MUST be placed in carts.
    • Carts must be 3 feet away from each other, 5 feet away from any obstacles: such as mail boxes, cars, fences, gas meters or drainage ditches and a 16 foot clearance above the cart.
Bear Creek Ranch HOA - Trash & Recycling
Bear Creek Ranch HOA - Trash & Recycling
Bear Creek Ranch HOA - Trash & Recycling

Brush/Bulk Trash (Bimonthly Collection)

Bulk trash is picked up every other month (even months, Feb, April, June etc.) in the front of the home, on the curb.

Holiday Service Schedule

CWD observes four (4) holidays a year:

    1. New Years Day
    2. July 4th
    3. Thanksgiving Day
    4. Christmas Day

Service will resume the following day.

Should you have any further questions, please contact us at 972-218-1300.