Published: November 18, 2017
It's time to put up those holiday lights and "sights". Decorate your home with your best light show, decor, and/or snow creatures to enter to win! Judging will be held on 12/21 by BCR Advisory Board. Awards will be given on 12/22 near the pool at 7:00pm.
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Published: September 01, 2017
We hope you have enjoyed your summer and this pool season! For your swimming pleasure, the pool will remain open through Monday, September 4th until normal closing time but, will officially close for the season upon pool closing the day of the 4th. For your safety and enjoyment, please always follow the pool rules that are posted in the pool area as well as on the website. Please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. regarding pool parties, pool card requests, or with any questions by visiting your community website at www.bearcreekranchhoa.com and submitting a website submission under the “contact us” tab. Thank you and have a safe and happy Labor Day.
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Published: July 17, 2017
The Bear Creek pool has been closed due to contamination. Texas State Law requires the pool to be shut down and treated each time contamination takes place. The severity of the contamination determines the amount of time the pool is required to be closed. The pool will remain closed for 24 hours and will reopen Tuesday morning at the regularly scheduled time. Thank you for your patience while we address the needed maintenance to the pool.
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Published: June 20, 2017
The Bear Creek pool has been closed due to contamination. Texas State Law requires the pool to be shut down and treated each time contamination takes place. The severity of the contamination determines the amount of time the pool is required to be closed. The pool will remain closed for 24 hours and will reopen Thursday morning at the regularly scheduled time. Thank you for your patience while we address the needed maintenance to the pool.
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Published: January 13, 2017
Essex has implemented a new enhanced function that will affect how homeowners communicate with us through the Essexhoa.com website. Homeowners will be able to log on to the website, click ‘contact us’ and submit a web submission with their questions, concerns, or feedback. For every topic that is submitted, we have an Essex team member who will be responding in a timely manner to the homeowner regardless of the request.
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