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Parking Restrictions & Tow Notice

Published: November 26, 2024

Although the parking rules and regulations are actively enforced in Bear Creek Community Association (“Bear Creek Ranch”), recently the Board of Directors (the “Board”) has been receiving requests from Homeowners asking that more frequent or stricter enforcement regarding parking violations be enacted. The disregard for parking rules and regulations in all Bear Creek has increased over the last 18-24 months and additionally, Association property such as no parking and towing signs are being torn down or vandalized. This is not only a violation of Association rules, but also an added cost to the Association when signs must be purchased and replaced.

We are also aware that new Homeowners are moving into the community and may not yet be aware of the rules and regulations regarding parking, therefore, we have provided a few excerpts from the Bear Creek Declaration below. We ask that all Homeowners familiarize themselves with the rules and if your residence is currently rented, please be sure to notify your tenants of the rules to avoid any violation notices and/or possible towing of vehicles.

Click here to download and read the Bear creek ranch towing enforcement 2024

Bear Creek Ranch HOA

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